Hey misfits!
After years of conducting in-person and online Narrative Exposure Therapy (NET) trainings, Danie Meyer and Jonathan Orr saw the demand for NET growing exponentially. As the number of trauma-focused practitioners increased, so did the need for international resource exchange. Dreaming of a space for trauma workers to support and care for one another, their expansive, non-hierarchical vision would include all practitioners of trauma healing, both within and beyond professionalized and centralized care delivery systems. With the support of Creative Directors Claudia List and Sarah Prätzel, NETCollect received an image and online home. Lisa Dimanche organized correspondence and scheduling, while Amenah Arman consulted on projects and curricula. And with the final stroke of the pen, Dina Forehand officially registered NETCollect LLC on May 4, 2022 in Atlanta, U.S., and NETCollect was born!
Excited to finally escape the confines of online meetings, in September 2023, NETCollect gathered together in Italy at the Eremo dei Frati Bianchi for our first in-person, multi-level NET training and scientific symposium. When unprecedented events occurred that threatened NETCollect to its very core, we did not collapse into collective avoidance. Just as with those we serve, by speaking truth, attentively listening and testifying against violence, we were able to find a way to stand for justice. NETCollect has been emboldened by the lessons learned to persevere on our mission to heal with our communities.
If you would like to receive the complete newsletter as a pdf document, please write to us with the subject “NEWSLETTER 01/2025”: gehweg@netcollect.org