Narrative Exposure Therapy Collective
of misfits
NET.Collect is a collective of trauma-focused supposed artisans who use narratives to neutralize violence.

NET.Collect is a collective of trauma-focused supposed artisans who use narratives to neutralize violence.
ancient wisecrack
We are a collective of naïve misfits who agree that true active listening might be important for solving the world's biggest problems.
more about WHAT we do ►
by listening?
more about HOW we do NET ►
Some of us can (still) read and think pretty well. Our hearts have not yet completely atrophied. Nevertheless, we are passionately curious and we continue to give a sh*t
more WHO are WE ►
If you already feel comfortably uncomfortable here, you might be in the right place!
more answers about NET ►
We come with a variety of professional and non-professional identities: counselors, social workers, psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, birth workers, first responders, cultural workers, artists, activists, and general misfits.
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